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Water Resources and Irrigation Project Manager. Agriculture Engineer. Knowledge Management


M.Sc. Environmental Sciences and Water Resources

Escuela de Organización Industrial (EOI) business school, Madrid, Spain



  • Defining water techniques and uses to tackle any business or industrial project

  • Developing technical knowledge to conduct studies on overall treatment of wastewater

  • Deepening knowledge of the legal and administrative framework related to water

Subjects: Economic environment, Marketing, Introduction to sustainability, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Management skills, Strategy, and Project management




M.Sc. Eng. Agronomy

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos.  Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain


An Agronomic Engineer is a professional who, by means of his or her scientific and technical knowledge, and creative ability is able to design systems to take economic advantage of natural resources to obtain and transform food, fibres to make cloth as well as other vegetables and animals useful to man.

The Engineer is qualified:

a) To lead farming and food and agriculture operations and businesses.

b) To draw up, design, carry out and control agronomical engineering plans and projects with the construction of buildings, rural infrastructure, agrarian mechanization, electrification, irrigation, development of plant varieties and breeds of animal, biotechnology, use of agricultural products as sources of energy, ecology, care of the environment and rural planning, and the transformation of products obtained directly from nature by means of agrarian and food and agriculture industries. All of the aforementioned always focused on obtaining the best productivity, the greatest economic benefits, an improvement in welfare in rural areas and care of the environment.




B.Sc. Engineering and Agricultural Science

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrónomos.  Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain


The Agricultural Science and Engineering graduate has acquired the tools  and the capacity to develop, design and execute in agronomic engineering projects relating with animal and vegetation production, the construction of buildings, rural infrastructure, agrarian mechanisation, electrification and irrigation. This is all focused on achieving a higher productivity, a greater economic benefit, an improvement in wellbeing in rural areas and a defence of the environment through the design and development of agrarian policies.

The Engineering and Agricultural Science graduate is a professional who is especially equipped for the planning, design and execution of projects and productive agrarian processes. A professional with the capacity to write up, design, execute plans and projects in agronomic engineering relating with animal and vegetation production, the construction of buildings, rural infrastructure, agrarian mechanisation, electrification and irrigation. This is all focused on achieving a higher productivity, a greater economic benefit, an improvement in wellbeing in rural areas and a defence of the environment through the design and development of agrarian policies.
































Water Resources and Irrigation Project Manager. Agriculture Engineer. Knowledge Management
Water Resources and Irrigation Project Manager. Agriculture Engineer. Knowledge Management
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